Sunday, October 25, 2015
All in @ the EG Factory Shop
It's not everyday that a good friend offers to take a trip up to the Edward Green factory shop while he's puttering around London with nothing to do. But when it happens, it won't take me long to take said friend up on said offer. Luckily for me, he came away with some nice models in my size - Cadogan in antique cloud, Shannon boots in dark oak calf, Oundles in edwardian antique, and Chelseas in dark oak.
You know what they say about friends - you can't have too many :-)
Lawrence Fellows - The Vagabond King for Sampeck Clothes, 1933
Most of Lawrence Fellows' work that you come across in the pages of Apparel Arts is usually original, with the material either being commissioned for Apparel Arts or its sister publication, Esquire. So I was surprised when I was flipping through the pages of the 1933 Sports & Spectator edition and came across this advertisement for Sampeck Clothes, billed as "The Standard of America."