Monday, May 9, 2011

What We're Ogling - Men's Ex.: The World of High End Men's Shoes Vol. 3

Men's Ex: The World of High End Men's Shoes, Volume III

          As we've stated previously here at An Uptown Dandy, publishers of men's style magazines in the Far East are really playing on a different level right now. As an English language magazine, The Rake is certainly somewhere near the top when it comes to men's style. However, if we're strictly talking shoes, as An Uptown Dandy has been known to do from time to time, then look no further than Men's Ex.


          Once upon a time, the bar for men's shoe magazines was set by Esquire Japan's Last Magazine. Unfortunately, publication did not last very long (bad pun intended). Fortunately for shoe enthusiasts around the world, Men's Ex stepped into the breach with their periodic publication of several volumes of The World of High End Men's Shoes.

          While picking up my copy of Volume III at Kinokuniya bookstore in New York City, a clerk informed me that Volumes I & II were published several years ago. So apparently publication of the World of High End Men's Shoes is sporadic, at best. However, based on what An Uptown Dandy has seen (if not read) so far, it's worth the wait.

          Really, what other magazine provides in-depth information on shoe manufacturers by country of origin? With detailed descriptions and images of a variety of models? This is probably overkill for the average reader of typical men's fashion magazines, but for shoe aficionados, well, you probably won't hear any complaints.


          As someone who enjoys collecting vintage shoes, I was especially delighted while perusing the article on vintage Edward Greens.

          I had recently picked up a pair of vintage shoes made in England for Paul Stuart in what appeared to be Edward Green's edwardian antique. There they are: Edward Green's Kingston model on display with other vintage styles on the defunct 201 last. There are also similar sections for shoes on the 32, 33, 82, 88, 808, 888, and 202 lasts. The page also includes a photo of various insoles from re-branded Edward Green shoes - always useful information when scouting for vintage Edward Greens.

          Additional in-depth information is also provided for the various Edward Green insole stamps,  the "Made In England" sole stamping, as well as the last and sizing information (written inside each pair of Edward Green shoes) that have been used throughout the years.


          To summarize, you simply won't find this kind of attention to detail about men's shoes anywhere else. Volume III of the World of High End Men's Shoes by Men's Ex: far and away the best magazine out there for the shoe connoisseur.


  1. There is a Kinokuniya in Sydney. I might order a copy at your recommendation.

  2. I dont have a "moneyback guarantee" for you if you're not satisfied, but really, if you're into shoes, I'm pretty sure you'll like this magazine. Import price here in NYC was about USD 25.00.
