Sunday, July 8, 2012

More New Last Magazine: Issue Two

I came away impressed with the first issue of the new LAST magazine, and so I was looking forward to getting my hands on the second issue. While I still have a special place in my heart for the original LAST publication, this new version is very well done. Once again, the focus is squarely on the shoes, and there's an alphabetical compilation that puts an emphasis on established and up-and-coming brands from around the world.

At roughly USD $28.00 from Kinokuniya in Manhattan, that is roughly the going rate to import most Japanese shoe magazines to the US. Without any comparable magazines here in the States (and, really, aside from the Men's Ex shoe volumes that come out periodically in Japan), I think its worth every penny.

Now if I can just convince someone at LAST to feature my humble collection of vintage Edward Greens . . :-)

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