Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Trip to MRket

I was fortunate enough to receive a guest pass to the MRket NY men's trade show held at the Javits Center here in New York City. Billed as an event where the men's industry comes together, the show can best be described as a global fashion show for discerning menswear brands. With companies from both the US and abroad, the MRket show is unique in that it houses a "Made In Italy" section (sponsored by the Italian Trade Commission) as well as a UK Design area. There are also brands from France, Germany, Spain & Sweden.

The Borsalino booth in the "Made In Italy" section

With so many wonderful items on display, one could literally spend hours just walking the aisles. Which I did, but several artisans were gracious enough to take a few moments out of their busy days to their craft, the state of the industry, as well as the plunging temperatures here in the frigid Northeast.  Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting a comments and notes on some of these conversations - with a few pictures thrown in for good measure to keep things interesting!

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