Sunday, March 3, 2013

At the MRket Show: Drake's of London

The gentlemen at Drake's of London are always a joy to chat with, and even though I dropped by their booth unannounced at the MRket trade show on the final day, this time was no different. Sweetu Patel, owner of C'H'C'M', the men's clothing shop which hosted the recent Drake's pop-up sale, also happened to be there, and it was nice to see him again as well.

As a aside, I happened to be wearing the cashmere/silk chocolate brown blazer that I purchased at the sale that day, as it was just back from the tailors. I thought the fit was spot-on - although I did have to size up to a 44R, from my normal 42R size - but as the jacket came with working button-holes, the sleeves needed to be taken up from the shoulder. I thought it came out quite well, and those purveyors of fine English silks agreed. It is, of course, entirely possible that they were just being nice again . . .

But enough about me! I managed to take a few pictures of some of the new offerings from Drake's on display at the show. As always, the silk prints are gorgeous, the pocket squares are stunning, and the checked woolen ties are delicious. Enjoy!

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