A Fine Man Once Said:

"Part of the 10 million I spent on gambling, part of it on booze, and part of it on women. The rest I spent foolishly."

- George Raft

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More Hats from New Orleans - Goorin Bros.

If Meyer the Hatter is old-school New Orleans (you can see my post here), then Goorin Bros. is the trendy little  upstart down the street - in the French Quarter, to be exact. Goorin Bros. has some history of its own, but I believe its a relative newcomer to New Orleans.

A photograph of  Ben Silver, father-in-law of Alfred Goorin, Sr.

Meyer had classic panamas and straw fedoras from some of the more recognizable names, which are more to my liking. But Goorin Bros. had a kaleidoscope of headwear on display. The quality appeared to be decent, and the prices were a fraction of what one would pay for a Borsalino.

All-in-all, a nice-looking shop.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Rubenstein's: A NOLA Institution

Rubenstein's, the venerable clothiers located at the intersection of Canal and St. Charles, is situated right at the border of the French and American quarters in New Orleans. Its facade implies an old-world charm, which was tempered somewhat by the rather large billboard announcing the company's role as proud stockists of Brioni clothing.